Admission Requirements

Italian language proficiency oral interview equal to the B1 level

In order to access the Degree in Clinical Psychology for Individuals, Families and Organizations a bachelor degree and 88 credits in the psychological areas (in Italy, they are called M-PSI areas) are necessary.

These requirements are in agreement with the Europsy Project and the conference of the Presidents of the Master Courses in Psychology, aiming at providing a solid training, to clearly identify the realms of the future professional figure of the psychologist and to provide working opportunities for the future psychologists.

For admission to the Master Degree in Clinical Psychology you must

1. hold the following CURRICULAR REQUIREMENTS:
A) have earned an Italian BA degree and have acquired, by the deadline of the registration for the selection, at least 88 university credits (for graduating students even the exams which are present in the study plan and have not been passed yet will be considered) distributed in each one of the 8 scientific-disciplinary fields M-PSI:

  • M-PSI/01 (general psychology)
  • M-PSI/02 (psychobiology and physiological psychology)
  • M-PSI/03 (psychometry)
  • M-PSI/04 (developmental and educational psychology)
  • M-PSI/05 (social psychology)
  • M-PSI/06 (work and organizational psychology)
  • M-PSI/07 (dynamic psychology)
  • M-PSI/08 (clinical psychology)

      OR IN SUBSTITUTION of the Italian BA degree:
B) have acquired another recognised qualification earned abroad.
The foreign qualification must have been issued by a legally recognized University or by a legally recognized post-secondary Higher Education Institute and must allow, in the education system of the country that issued it, the continuation of university studies at the next level - second cycle (Bologna process).
The Selection Committee assesses the suitability of the foreign academic qualification for admission to the course.

For the purposes of fulfilling this requirement, the following will be considered valid:

(a) hold of one of the certificates of a minimum level B2 listed in the table of equivalence of the CCL, acquired no later than 5 years prior to the academic year of admission: International certificates recognized by the CCL;
(b) have a bachelor's degree totally taught and received in English (vehicular language) and valid in an English speaking country (equally to a B2 level).

The requirement of the knowledge of the English language is mandatory for admission to the selection procedure and a knowledge of the Italian language at least at a preliminary level at the moment of enrolment is strongly recommended, to be definitely improved within the two years of program,  since the student will have as part of the curriculum to enrol in the practical training which, at least in the second year, will be held in Italian. The larning process of the Italian language is an important aspect because at the end of the two years of the program the student will be evaluated through the PPV (prova pratica valutativa) exam which is held in Italian and qualifies to practice as a psychologist in Italy.

Students who are planning to get their bachelor's degree during the session of March-April can still apply, but they need to have the requirements within the session of March-April.
Failure to meet the admission requirements will result in exclusion from the selection procedure set out in the relevant notice and will prevent enrolment.


Below is a translated extract of what is reported in the announcement in Italian, that can be reached at (“Bando di ammissione LM in Psicologia clinica”):

"For the curriculum ‘Clinical Psychology for Individuals, Families and Organizations’ conducted in English, an additional admission requirement is needed for students with a mother tongue other
than Italian.
The candidate must demonstrate, as an entry requirement for the course, a level of knowledge of the Italian language equal to the B1 level of the Council of Europe.
This requirement can be demonstrated through the following certifications:
- Certifications of linguistic competence issued as part of the CLIQ quality system (Italian Language Quality Certification) which brings together the certifying University for Foreigners of Perugia, University for Foreigners of Siena, Roma Tre University, Dante Alighieri Company;
- Certification issued by the “Dante Alighieri” University for Foreigners of Reggio Calabria, also issued in agreement with Italian Cultural Institutes abroad or other accredited entities.
These certifications can also be obtained in the country of origin, in affiliated examination centers present throughout the world (respecting the criteria just listed).
For the admitted candidate who does not possess knowledge of the B1 level Italian language at the time of enrollment will be enrolled "with reservation" ("con riserva"), a commission appointed by the Degree Course Committee will verify the competence acquired by 30 September 2025 through an online oral examination; in case of failure to acquire it, the secretariat will automatically proceed to cancel the enrollment application.
Subsequently, by 01 March 2026 the student must demonstrate that they have reached a level of knowledge of the Italian language equal to the B2 level of the Council of Europe.
The level of knowledge of the language must be demonstrated through the presentation of a certification issued within the CLIQ quality system or by the “Dante Alighieri” University for
Foreigners of Reggio Calabria or following the evaluation (oral examination) by a Commission appointed by the Degree Course Council.

To sum up:
B1 level Italian language must be reached by 30 September 2025. If student cannot provide the B1 level certificate by that date, an oral interview will be done by the Degree Course Committee.
B2 level Italian language must be reached by 01 March 2026. If student cannot provide the B2 level certificate by that date, an oral interview will be done by the Degree Course Committee.
In both cases, if the B1 level is not achieved (through certificate nor oral interview) or the B2 level is not achieved (through certificate nor oral interview), the enrollment will be canceled.

The University will facilitate attendance to language classes to ensure students the possibility to reach B2 level during the first semester.